1 fish, 2 fish, white fish...white fish

Feeding frenzy!
I was really impressed with the cleanliness of the operation. Plus the fact that it only takes 1.5 pounds of feed to produce 1 pound of fish. Compare that to beef at 8 to 1 or chicken at 3 to 1 and you see that tilapia is an extremely efficient source of protein This particular farm only sells live fish to markets that typically cater to Hispanic or Asian clientele. I've seen their live tilapia at my favorite Asian market (Super H Mart!) and the fish always look bright and healthy. As an ingredient, tilapia is an excellent, firm and mild fish that holds up to all kinds of cooking methods.
I have to say, it was all I could do not to smuggle (rescue) a couple of the baby fish back home to my aquarium. But tilapia get huge and, like all cichlids, aggressive which would've caused an all-out war in my aquariums. It was a rare moment of refrain.
The season is winding down and we only have a few more shows to shoot. I have my eye on season 2, but we're going to have to get the first one finished before we can look too far ahead. Huitt has done an amazing job with both the camera work and the editing and I can't wait to share the episodes with everyone. Fun stuff...
Be well...gesundheit!
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